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Selasa, 06 Desember 2016

Description About Axe Hero Dota 2


Mogul Khan, the Axe, is a melee strength hero, infamous for creating chaos in battle and thriving off of it.
Axe is commonly played as an initiator, as his potent disables can disrupt the enemy's formation and give his team openings in fights. Axe's fighting style demands that he gets up close and very personal, as he can taunt enemies into attacking him with Berserker's Call, preventing them from engaging his teammates. Once he has the enemy's attention, he can counter those who strike him with a sweeping Counter Helix that slashes all enemies at melee range with pure damage. He also has a slow and damage-over-time nuke in Battle Hunger, which can harass the enemy or force them to join in battle, while also slowing their movement speed and boosting his own. Finally, he has the ability to unconditionally remove weakened enemies from the battlefield if they are under a certain threshold with Culling Blade, while simultaneously boosting his allies' speed. A bloodthirsty and indomitable warrior, Axe's presence on the battlefield is felt by friend and foe alike, dominating the attention of the enemy wherever he goes.

History In Game
As a grunt in the Army of Red Mist, Mogul Khan set his sights on the rank of Red Mist General. In battle after battle he proved his worth through gory deed. His rise through the ranks was helped by the fact that he never hesitated to decapitate a superior. Through the seven year Campaign of the Thousand Tarns, he distinguished himself in glorious carnage, his star of fame shining ever brighter, while the number of comrades in arms steadily dwindled. On the night of ultimate victory, Axe declared himself the new Red Mist General, and took on the ultimate title of 'Axe.' But his troops now numbered zero. Of course, many had died in battle, but a significant number had also fallen to Axe's blade. Needless to say, most soldiers now shun his leadership. But this matters not a whit to Axe, who knows that a one-man army is by far the best.

Berserker's Call
Pierces spell immunity. Play

Berserker's Call icon.png
No Target

Enemies / Self

Axe taunts nearby enemy units, forcing them to attack him, while he gains bonus armor during the duration.
Cast Animation0.4+0.5
Radius: 300
Armor Bonus: 40
Duration: 2/2.4/2.8/3.2

Cooldown 16/14/12/10
Mana 80/90/100/110

Buff Berserkers Call Armor: Undispellable.
Debuff Berserkers Call: Undispellable.
Mogul Khan's warcry taunts opponents into engaging in an unconquerable battle with the Axe.
  • Affected units cannot use any spells or items and are forced to attack Axe for its duration.
    • Units attempt to follow and attack Axe regardless of distance, vision, obstacles, or status.
    • Affected units are still subject to disables and do not gain free pathing.
  • If Axe turns invisible during the taunt, affected enemies start attacking the next closest enemy to them.
    • If no enemies are nearby, affected units stand still. While standing still, they can be given one order which they then execute. This order cannot be manually canceled.
    • This can be any order, including casting of an ability or item, or a move or attack order.
    • After that order, the unit cannot do anything and stands still until the taunt expires. However, if Axe turns visible again, affected units start attacking him again.
  • The taunt has the same priority as Winter's Curse icon.png Winter's Curse​, but lower priority than Duel icon.png Duel​.
    • Same priority means that affected units attack the first taunted unit.
  • Re-casting on a unit under the taunt effect of Berserker's Call refreshes the duration.
  • When Axe dies, the taunt ends immediately.

Battle Hunger
Blocked by Linken's Sphere. Does not pierce spell immunity. Play

Battle Hunger icon.png
Target Unit

Enemies / Self

Enrages an enemy unit, causing it to be slowed and take damage over time until it kills another unit or the duration ends. Axe gains movement speed for each unit affected with Battle Hunger.
Cast Animation0.3+0.5
Cast Range: 750
Damage per Second: 16/24/32/40
Move Speed Slow: 12%
Self Move Speed Bonus: 12%
Duration: 10

Cooldown 20/15/10/5
Mana 75

Does not pierce spell immunity. Slow persists, and attempts to damage if debuff was placed before spell immunity and when not dispelled.
Buff Battle Hunger Self: Undispellable.
Debuff Battle Hunger: Dispellable with any dispel.
Ordinary heroes cannot withstand Mogul Khan's rage for battle, such that it injures them until it is satisfied.
  • Axe is granted 12% movement speed for every affected enemy. This effect stacks.
  • Casting Battle Hunger multiple times on the same target does not stack, but refreshes the duration instead.
  • Killing illusions does not remove the debuff.
  • The affected unit itself has to make the kill to remove the debuff. Summons or illusions owned by the same player do not remove it when they make a kill.
  • Deals damage in 1 second intervals starting 1 second after cast, resulting in 10 instances.
  • Can deal up to 160/240/320/400 damage (before reductions) when lasting its full duration.

Counter Helix
Can be used by illusions. Disabled by Break. Pierces spell immunity. Play

Counter Helix icon.png


When attacked, Axe performs a helix counter attack, dealing damage to all nearby enemies.
Radius: 275
Proc Chance: 20%
Damage: 75/110/145/180

Cooldown 0.45/0.4/0.35/0.3

Can be used by illusions. Axe illusions have a fully functional Counter Helix.
Axe is the only reinforcement this army needs.
  • Can only proc when an enemy unit lands an attack on Axe, regardless of distance. This means it cannot proc on missed attacks.
  • Despite the visual effects, the damage is applied instantly within the radius.

Culling Blade
Blocked by Linken's Sphere. Pierces spell immunity. PlayPlay

Culling Blade icon.png
Target Unit

Enemies / Allies

Axe spots a weakness and strikes, instantly killing an enemy unit with low health, or dealing moderate damage otherwise. When an enemy hero is killed with Culling Blade, its cooldown is reset, and Axe and nearby allied units gain bonus movement speed.
Cast Animation0.3+0.5
Cast Range: 150
Kill Speed Bonus Radius: 900
Damage: 150/250/300
Kill Health Threshold: 250/325/400 (Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. 300/425/550)
Kill Move Speed Bonus: 30%
Kill Attack Speed Bonus: 30
Kill Bonus Duration: 6 (Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. 10)

Cooldown 75/65/55 (Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. 6)
Mana 60/120/180

Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. Decreases cooldown, increases kill threshold, and increases bonus movement speed duration.
Buff Culling Blade Boost: Dispellable with any dispel.
Mogul Khan is the embodiment of battle and fury, launching into a gruesome fatality against those who dare engage the Axe in combat.
  • When the target's health is above the threshold, it only applies its regular damage (magical) and plays a different sound.
    • Even when the target dies to the regular damage (possible with damage amplifications), the other effects of Culling Blade are not applied.
  • When the target's health is below the threshold, it does the following:
    • It deals damage to the target equal to the health threshold value, in the form of pure damage (flagged as HP Removal).
    • It applies the speed bonus to Axe and nearby allies.
    • If the target was a hero or illusion, its cooldown gets reset.
  • The target's health is checked upon reaching the cast point, so if it gained health during that time so it exceeds the health threshold, the cull fails.

Recommend Item
Starting items:
  • Tango icon.png Tango gives Axe health regeneration in the laning stage, allowing him to survive against most forms of enemy harass.
  • Stout Shield icon.png Stout Shield is crucial on a melee hero like Axe, as the damage block drastically increases his survivability against attacks, whether they be from enemy heroes or neutral creeps.
  • Ring of Protection icon.png Ring of Protection gives Axe additional armor, further increasing his survivability against physical damage. It also allows Axe to build Tranquil Boots (Active) icon.png Tranquil Boots from the Side Lane Shop, boosting his efficiency.
  • Iron Branch icon.png Iron Branch is a cheap item that allows Axe to shore up his attributes with his remaining gold. It can be sold for inventory space as needed, or built into a Magic Wand.
Early game:
  • Tranquil Boots (Active) icon.png Tranquil Boots provide Axe with movement speed, armor, and passive HP regen outside of combat. It is crucial to get on Axe early for increasing his mobility for early initiations, giving him more armor for even more physical survivabliity, and providing a source of HP regen to allow him to remain on the field instead of returning to base.
  • Magic Wand icon.png Magic Wand is a powerful upgrade to Magic Stick, giving Axe additional attributes while also providing burst HP and mana regen, further increasing his ability to initiate and disable enemies with his spells.
  • Soul Ring icon.png Soul Ring can be a useful early-game item to build on high HP heroes with heavy mana costs like Axe. Having on-demand burst mana can allow him to cast his spells when needed, and he can easily recoup the HP cost with Tranquil Boots. The item itself also provides some passive mana regen and some HP regen as well to increase Axe's self-sustain.
  • Urn of Shadows icon.png Urn of Shadows is a good ganking item that gives Axe many benefits. The extra strength increases Axe's HP and base damage, and the passive mana regen helps with his mana problems. Urn charges can be used to add extra Pure damage to fights and ganks, or to heal Axe back up from any damage he incurs during Berserker's Call.
Core items:
  • Blink Dagger icon.png Blink Dagger is the most important purchase Axe must make if he is to become an effective initiator. Jumping on top of the enemy in order to disable them with Berserker's Call icon.png Berserker's Call​ allows Axe to paralyze multiple enemies at once for his team to follow up on.
  • Vanguard icon.png Vanguard gives Axe even more survivability against physical damage by giving him increased damage block, more HP and HP regen. The damage block is particularly strong for mitigating the damage Axe takes during Berserker's Call icon.png Berserker's Call​, allowing him to proc more instances of Counter Helix icon.png Counter Helix​.
  • Blade Mail icon.png Blade Mail provides many strong benefits for Axe. The additional armor increases his durability, the intelligence boosts his mana pool to allow him to cast spells more often, and the attack damage lets him farm more easily and deal more damage to the enemy with his attacks. The active, used during or after Berserker's Call icon.png Berserker's Call​, further punishes the enemy for attacking him, allowing him to use his HP offensively to deal damage to the enemy during initiations.
  • Town Portal Scroll icon.png Town Portal Scroll is necessary for allowing Axe to be present at teamfights and ganks. His powers as an initiator can set up fights decisively in his team's favor.
Situational items:
  • Heart of Tarrasque icon.png Heart of Tarrasque greatly increases Axe's health and provides base damage, giving him much more power as an initiator, since he can continue disabling the enemy during fights so long as he is alive. As well, if he manages to survive fights and escape, he can quickly regenerate his HP and jump straight back into battle.
  • Shiva's Guard icon.png Shiva's Guard drastically boosts Axe's intelligence and armor, giving him yet more survivability against physical damage while also eliminating his mana problems. The attack speed slow aura can greatly hinder the enemy from making physical attacks during fights, while the active can be used as a damage nuke and a slow to hinder their mobility.
  • Aghanim's Scepter icon.png Aghanim's Scepter gives Axe stats across the board, providing tankiness and more mana. Its upgrade improves Culling Blade icon.png Culling Blade​'s kill threshold, allowing Axe to remove enemies from the battlefield much earlier, and reduces its cooldown to allow the spell to be used tactically.
  • Boots of Travel 1 icon.png Boots of Travel gives Axe additional battlefield and global mobility. The global teleport allows Axe to show up to fights to initiate for his team more easily, while the increased movement speed allows him to be more mobile on the battlefield, chasing enemies down and inflicting them with Battle Hunger icon.png Battle Hunger​ to slow them.
  • Assault Cuirass icon.png Assault Cuirass is a strong teamfight item that greatly increases Axe's armor and attack speed. The armor provides yet more resistance against physical damage, and the attack speed allows Axe to become much more threatening with his right-clicks. The allied armor and attack speed aura is a strong edge in teamfights.
  • Heaven's Halberd icon.png Heaven's Halberd is a strong survivability and utility item that can help Axe if the enemy's physical damage output is more than he can handle. The additional strength and evasion give him more health and survivability against physical attacks, respectively, and the active disarm allows Axe to completely stop an enemy from attacking.
  • Mjollnir icon.png Mjollnir is a strong purchase on Axe given his role as a close-range initiator. The item gives him greatly increased attack speed, making his physical attacks much more dangerous, and allows him to bounce Chain Lightning procs during fights to deal magical damage all around to the enemy. The Static Charge active can also be placed on Axe himself right before initiation, further punishing the enemy for attacking him during Berserker's Call.
  • Crimson Guard icon.png Crimson Guard, upgraded from Vanguard, is a strong utility item that provides Axe with even more survivability against physical damage. The extra armor and attributes on top of the existing damage block and bonus HP can make him extremely tanky, and he can augment it even more and protect his allies with the active.
  • Lotus Orb icon.png Lotus Orb is a strong initiator item that allows Axe to punish enemies for targeting him with disables. The item provides armor and more regen, making him more tanky and allowing him to replenish his mana over time. The active, used during an initiation, can punish enemies who target Axe with single-target disables and nukes, disabling and nuking them in turn to cause more chaos for Axe's team to capitalize on.
  • Bottle (Full) icon.png Bottle can be a useful purchase on Axe as an off-laner. It gives Axe the ability to replenish his HP and mana to survive harass, and can be replenished by taking runes. Once Axe has his Blink Dagger and begins roaming for kills, he can further keep his HP and mana up by picking up runes as they spawn, and use the runes themselves to further give him advantages during ganks and fights.
  • Force Staff icon.png Force Staff gives Axe many strong benefits and is a powerful utility item to carry. The increased intelligence gives Axe a larger mana pool, while the passive HP regen helps to keep Axe's health topped up. The active can give Axe additional mobility, or can be used on teammates to help them initiate or escape. As well, using the active on himself after a successful Blink-Call can allow Axe to quickly kite enemies away, forcing them to follow him during the taunt.
  • Vladmir's Offering icon.png Vladmir's Offering is a good survivability and self-sustain item. The armor aura helps increase Axe's survivability against physical damage, while the lifesteal, HP regen and flat mana regen aura can keep his mana up and allow him to sustain his HP while farming. All these benefits confer to nearby allies as well, making it a strong teamfight item as well.
  • Black King Bar icon.png Black King Bar can be a necessary purchase if he is facing a very disable-heavy lineup. Because he jumps right into the middle of the enemy to initiate, he is a prime target for focusing down with magic nukes and stuns, so having spell immunity can allow him to do more in fights.

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